Companyinnovationpolicyisawholerealizationofanewfamilyofelectronicequipment,adaptedtolatesttechnologies.All equipmentiscontrolledbymicroprocessor,usingcustomizedcontrolsoftware.Weputspecialemphasisonthemodulardesignofthe wholerangeofequipment,inordertoreducebroadcastersinvestmentinsparepartsandmaintenance.Moreover,ourcarefuldesign optimizes amount of parts used and looks for parts repetition.
Seratel Technologyis the Spanish company for FM transmitters and RF auxiliary products. In SERATEL, there are combined more than 40 years of experience in broadcasting, latest technology designs and current concepts of management applied in development and manufacturing companies. Simplicity, reliability and efficiency are the constants that dominate the design and manufacture of our products. SERATEL staff and the technical support we provide, together with the high reliability of the equipment, increase day after day the number of satisfied users.